XenTegra - IGEL Weekly

IGEL Weekly: IGEL OS Command Line (CLI) Explained

August 18, 2022 XenTegra / Andy Whiteside Season 1 Episode 60
IGEL Weekly: IGEL OS Command Line (CLI) Explained
XenTegra - IGEL Weekly
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XenTegra - IGEL Weekly
IGEL Weekly: IGEL OS Command Line (CLI) Explained
Aug 18, 2022 Season 1 Episode 60
XenTegra / Andy Whiteside

How to configure, set up, and use the IGEL OS command line (CLI) from the IGEL OS desktop and IGEL UMS. 

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Patrick Toner
Co-host: Sebastien Perusat

Show Notes Transcript

How to configure, set up, and use the IGEL OS command line (CLI) from the IGEL OS desktop and IGEL UMS. 

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Patrick Toner
Co-host: Sebastien Perusat


00:00:02.610 --> 00:00:07.140
Andy Whiteside: Hello everyone and welcome to episode 60 of idle weekly i'm your host Andy whiteside i've got.

00:00:08.160 --> 00:00:22.830
Andy Whiteside: Oh we'll start with Patrick Patrick toner is a solutions architect is integrity and our subject matter expert on all things in user compute minus windows, so I gel specifically is where patrick's passion and background is Patrick how's it going.

00:00:23.460 --> 00:00:34.200
Patrick Toner: Going good yeah yeah I do like to wear that banner of no windows so that's not my definitely not my thing I do prefer Linux for sure, but I doing good doing good here.

00:00:35.040 --> 00:00:43.200
Andy Whiteside: Patrick not no windows, because you hate Microsoft, but just know windows, because in the real digital workspace world you don't need windows right.

00:00:44.040 --> 00:00:53.280
Patrick Toner: Well, exactly you know I mean it's it's one of those things, I mean it's I think it just comes down to kind of my history with and choose up my daughter's behind me here oh hey how you doing.

00:00:54.750 --> 00:01:03.870
Patrick Toner: But uh you know, there was a there was a point in time, where I was at a job and we were trying to put actually Linux endpoints we're trying to figure out a way to deploy a boon to.

00:01:04.380 --> 00:01:16.710
Patrick Toner: To small form factor device, and because of a lot of the reasons people choose a job they write security just you know, not all the bloatware and and having to deal with.

00:01:17.970 --> 00:01:22.740
Patrick Toner: You know patching the the you know patching the endpoints with windows updates and bloated updates and.

00:01:23.250 --> 00:01:31.800
Patrick Toner: One update breaking everything I mean there's just all the things that people struggle with, and the one thing we couldn't we couldn't figure out what's a good way to manage it, and I was before I knew what I was so.

00:01:32.550 --> 00:01:48.540
Patrick Toner: i've always been i've always loved Linux just something even you know around the House projects things like that setting up a nasty server those types of things and yeah so I guess it's just funny how, when you when you look back, how it culminates into what you're doing today professionally.

00:01:48.840 --> 00:01:50.070
Patrick Toner: yeah yeah.

00:01:50.490 --> 00:01:59.250
Andy Whiteside: Well, says with us Sebastian presets said, is our weekly or bi weekly superstar guest host said.

00:02:00.390 --> 00:02:09.840
Andy Whiteside: I don't know if we've ever taught this man what's your what's your Linux journey, did you just start from day one in a Linux world or were you a windows guy that found Linux and and decided that was your future.

00:02:10.890 --> 00:02:22.590
Sebastien Perusat: And mix of both answers I would say so hi to all the listeners now I started basically with windows three dot 11 That was my first installation, just before the dad does 622.

00:02:23.010 --> 00:02:35.100
Sebastien Perusat: that's why my daughter started, so I was definitely more dramatic results at that moment that a couple of years later, so I was I don't know five or six something like that, and then a couple of years later insert my fast.

00:02:35.130 --> 00:02:42.480
Sebastien Perusat: redheads Linux because when I was 11, I guess, but it will just for playing around and testing some things and to be honest.

00:02:43.050 --> 00:02:49.500
Sebastien Perusat: and store that you use a couple of times, but it was just yeah having gathering some some some some feelings on that topic.

00:02:50.070 --> 00:02:59.280
Sebastien Perusat: And then, for I would say more as 15 to 20 years I was more than the windows words, since we had windows endpoints but windows and points for my job.

00:02:59.850 --> 00:03:06.180
Sebastien Perusat: and former times, where xp embedded with empty for embedded devices from agile long time ago, please forget at once.

00:03:06.960 --> 00:03:18.840
Sebastien Perusat: And I started really to use ends to configure Linux on an endpoint not being able to serve operating systems when I started my journey actually so about eight years ago, before that I was also windows go.

00:03:19.380 --> 00:03:24.600
Andy Whiteside: yeah I think it's probably kind of common, even though I don't know many people start with Linux at 11 years old.

00:03:25.470 --> 00:03:36.750
Andy Whiteside: But I think a lot of people, you know find windows and is able, able to install it and play with it and use it every day and then at some point the curious about maybe unix which is my story.

00:03:37.290 --> 00:03:47.760
Andy Whiteside: which then turned into into Linux and you know running converting an old computer into a red hat's client os version of Linux and then doing things like installing the.

00:03:48.870 --> 00:03:50.160
Andy Whiteside: All the Ad packs and.

00:03:51.390 --> 00:03:58.020
Andy Whiteside: And RDP rpm right RDP already rpm and then using that to remote into a windows box to get other things done, but.

00:03:58.980 --> 00:04:03.060
Andy Whiteside: So that kind of ties us into today's topic you've put together a video.

00:04:03.930 --> 00:04:18.360
Andy Whiteside: And the title is I Joe os command line explained, and I think this is interest i'm going to try to tie us back to the old days and then bring us forward and by back to the old days I think really even currently if i'm using a Linux distro today.

00:04:18.870 --> 00:04:22.560
Andy Whiteside: I am choosing a Shell somewhere along the way.

00:04:23.220 --> 00:04:33.300
Andy Whiteside: Either corn or bash or something, and that is really the core underlying connectivity into the kernel and other parts of the operating system.

00:04:34.680 --> 00:04:41.850
Andy Whiteside: And I gel terms we're calling that the command line is it is it really a Shell, or is it a command line that talks to a shell.

00:04:42.600 --> 00:04:53.460
Andy Whiteside: What we're really talking about when you say coi command line interfaces with that acronym stands for an ideal world, are we talking about a Shell, or are we talking about a command line talking to a show.

00:04:54.120 --> 00:04:59.610
Sebastien Perusat: Now we do definitely speak about shares or different environments integrated from chef dash dash etc.

00:05:00.030 --> 00:05:11.610
Sebastien Perusat: But just to come back to you, to your second question, we have also covered in that story, how to access the command line from a remote perspective so using this age or the secure terminal.

00:05:12.090 --> 00:05:28.680
Sebastien Perusat: And that's why i'm coming back to your statement, we have also a system which is going on 10 That was a sexual term which connect them to the show so basically both answers are right, but for most listeners of our podcast I would say that this.

00:05:30.210 --> 00:05:37.470
Sebastien Perusat: level under the iceberg under the sea is something that you don't need to use such often so just wanted to say that.

00:05:38.160 --> 00:05:47.550
Sebastien Perusat: Even if you're using agile, for a long, long time you have maybe never had to get in touch with the command and that's a great thing I mean, even if I like to do to go on that under the sea level.

00:05:48.090 --> 00:05:53.490
Sebastien Perusat: For the standard use for standard administrator there is no need to understand to know how unix is working.

00:05:54.480 --> 00:06:03.780
Sebastien Perusat: But if you want to have some fun, in my opinion, then yes, because, since we are covering an operating system which is read only which is covered by.

00:06:04.230 --> 00:06:15.030
Sebastien Perusat: By a security mechanism with signatures encryption and so on, we are obviously restricting the amount of fun inside of the operating system to strict minimum.

00:06:15.540 --> 00:06:16.620
Sebastien Perusat: Now, if you.

00:06:17.130 --> 00:06:17.370
Andy Whiteside: view.

00:06:17.790 --> 00:06:18.360
Sebastien Perusat: You can use it.

00:06:18.600 --> 00:06:24.150
Andy Whiteside: So if you're sick you're doing it for fun if you're the normal administrator you're doing it out of necessity, or maybe fun.

00:06:24.720 --> 00:06:30.630
Andy Whiteside: Or maybe you do it out of necessity and figure out hey this is pretty cool and for the windows guys, this is really you know, we had.

00:06:31.350 --> 00:06:39.360
Andy Whiteside: dos which was command line single user stuff back in the day, and then we have windows and then, when with windows, we had the command line.

00:06:40.320 --> 00:06:55.470
Andy Whiteside: command, you know interpreter and then at some point power Shell shows up and all of a sudden, you know windows actually became a Shell operating system multi user with a ui that talk to power so in order to do things you know more in depth.

00:06:56.250 --> 00:07:04.080
Andy Whiteside: The way Linux and unix has been from really from day one, I highlight here you've got some slides that you go through before you jump into the actual demonstration.

00:07:04.350 --> 00:07:19.920
Andy Whiteside: And the things you call out is why gold why going to why going to the coi Why go into the command line in the ideal world and number one was execute commands number to gather logs debugging scripting customizing and then for your benefit i'll say just to have fun, as the last one.

00:07:20.580 --> 00:07:29.160
Sebastien Perusat: that's exactly that's exactly right because the customer hasn't been as that's where you'll get some fun debugging and gathering logs is not such an exciting topic to be honest.

00:07:29.670 --> 00:07:38.220
Sebastien Perusat: The customization scripting part is definitely something which can enable you to make to deploy on themes, to make the agile so providing some looking like a MAC os.

00:07:38.730 --> 00:07:51.690
Sebastien Perusat: Or, if you want to get specific applications on your desktop and you already covered the classic custom petition topic was run a couple of weeks ago, but also the part where you have to go into the command line.

00:07:51.720 --> 00:07:55.980
Sebastien Perusat: Because we haven't to execute some stuff and that's where the fun starts, in my opinion.

00:07:56.010 --> 00:07:58.950
Andy Whiteside: yeah here's it okay so i'll try to do this and I headed to Patrick for a minute, but.

00:07:59.550 --> 00:08:13.170
Andy Whiteside: locally, you have a ui that's the setup application, you have a similar very similar ui in the US, both of those things have the ability to interact with the local machines registry you guys actually even call it a registry.

00:08:14.370 --> 00:08:24.150
Andy Whiteside: And then, if you need to do things, above and beyond that that aren't available through those you eyes and the registry that's where custom commands can kick in either real time or scripted and scheduled.

00:08:25.290 --> 00:08:30.690
Andy Whiteside: And then that's where the you know the fun and what you thought was the impossible, he comes the possible problem.

00:08:31.470 --> 00:08:47.100
Sebastien Perusat: yeah exactly explains why we should go to the command line, so I mean gathering logs something that you can also do vs the graphical user interface, you can also change a lot of configurations, we are the profile and the local setup as you already mentioned.

00:08:48.330 --> 00:08:48.810
Andy Whiteside: Then.

00:08:49.020 --> 00:08:55.590
Sebastien Perusat: It just the upper part of the iceberg, so we have just because you, you mentioned the term registry, so we have.

00:08:56.220 --> 00:09:05.880
Sebastien Perusat: Over 1000 settings that you can set, if you would put all that settings into the graphical user interface on the opposite of the iceberg of the agile setup.

00:09:06.330 --> 00:09:09.660
Sebastien Perusat: It will just make it extremely extremely hard to read.

00:09:10.020 --> 00:09:16.650
Sebastien Perusat: yeah that's where we said Okay, we use registry where they got everything that you need, and if you want to point out a specific configuration go there.

00:09:16.920 --> 00:09:25.530
Sebastien Perusat: And that's basically the same what the configuration of the ui we have the iceberg, and then we need to see, we have all the command line where you can execute sometimes, though.

00:09:26.010 --> 00:09:33.060
Andy Whiteside: yeah it's interesting I was working on my my Google nest ring or do see the doorbell last night, not ring but nest doorbell.

00:09:33.510 --> 00:09:41.520
Andy Whiteside: And they had all these ui all these settings and it turned out to be this one really obscure setting that really didn't like anything to do with the reason why my doorbell inside wasn't ringing.

00:09:41.910 --> 00:09:45.510
Andy Whiteside: And I got lucky and found a video I thought at some point, I was gonna have to get somehow.

00:09:46.320 --> 00:09:54.450
Andy Whiteside: Lower and maybe you can't like in a mobile APP you can't get lower, but in a PC related scenario Linux windows, at least, maybe an even back yeah.

00:09:54.990 --> 00:10:08.280
Andy Whiteside: You can get lower into a command line thing also so Patrick you've been doing this for a bunch of years now let's say five plus years on the GL side and you're a very, very advanced I gel administrator and consultant at this point.

00:10:09.480 --> 00:10:11.490
Andy Whiteside: How often do you find yourself having to go the command line.

00:10:12.030 --> 00:10:16.800
Patrick Toner: Well, you know it's funny you ask that because I was gonna I was going to chime in and say just kind of give a little context here.

00:10:17.490 --> 00:10:26.790
Patrick Toner: I do find myself in the commandment not so much an eye gel very frequently I mean that's that's kind of every now and then you'll have to do something, be a script and you put it into a profile.

00:10:27.930 --> 00:10:41.820
Patrick Toner: But you know, I just wanted to point out, because sometimes sometimes people can get a little intimidated by Linux right because most of us came up in a windows world right, so if you're in it, or some kind of SIS admin and whatever.

00:10:42.870 --> 00:10:48.000
Patrick Toner: You know your day to day you're usually managing things in windows and so a lot of us.

00:10:48.300 --> 00:10:56.970
Patrick Toner: Will dabble with different hobbies that's how I got really got started like I mentioned, I mean just doing random I mean there were some work reasons to get into Linux like fog back in the day, which was like a Linux.

00:10:57.630 --> 00:11:03.030
Patrick Toner: imaging system which is cool, but you know, most of us are hobbies you mentioned the Google mask I was talking about an ass earlier.

00:11:04.350 --> 00:11:12.030
Patrick Toner: But I would like to just kind of, say, is like a preface to this is like me getting into Linux was gradual right, it was it was something that.

00:11:12.570 --> 00:11:22.920
Patrick Toner: The more I kind of would kind of dip the toe a little bit I was like Oh, this is pretty cool, so I would just say to anybody who's listening to this he's like you know, even if they're an ideal user they don't know anything about Linux scripting.

00:11:23.940 --> 00:11:30.210
Patrick Toner: I would encourage you to find something find a reason to start to get familiar with Linux command line.

00:11:30.780 --> 00:11:35.730
Patrick Toner: Because there was a scenario and i'll just i'll just kind of answer your questions, a little bit long winded but.

00:11:36.090 --> 00:11:43.680
Patrick Toner: there's a scenario where I had to manage one of our agile cloud gateway servers here at its integrity has tried to go from windows device and i've just gotten so used to doing it.

00:11:44.040 --> 00:11:55.410
Patrick Toner: via the command line in a boon to that I was like you know I had to take one of my LG Graham laptops throw a boon to down on it and do everything via the command line there because it just you get so used to it.

00:11:55.710 --> 00:12:01.260
Patrick Toner: um so I say that is the character with anybody listening, just like I don't know this for me, find a reason to get into.

00:12:01.710 --> 00:12:08.580
Patrick Toner: Linux take some Linux training, you will absolutely become hooked on it once you once you start to kind of understand the basics and.

00:12:09.000 --> 00:12:16.410
Patrick Toner: In my case, you know someone who's learned it gradually through time I was like I can't do this on windows, I need a I need a Linux distro right now to do my.

00:12:16.410 --> 00:12:18.120
Patrick Toner: Job so.

00:12:18.180 --> 00:12:25.140
Andy Whiteside: Not only that, but you'll be the coolest kid of difference if you can do it all even windows, if you do a power Shell whatever Shell you're using if you can do it there.

00:12:25.500 --> 00:12:34.740
Andy Whiteside: You know, all of a sudden, you know stuff that other people don't even know they probably could, if they just tried hey real quick comments I do want to highlight this was struggling from a struggle for me in the beginning.

00:12:35.400 --> 00:12:45.930
Andy Whiteside: There is the concept of shell and command line stuff and if you can do things at a Shell level, then you can then turn around and scripted I think even in this call we've we've.

00:12:46.350 --> 00:13:00.450
Andy Whiteside: we've transposed and use domain in conjunction with each other, as if it was the same thing there's command line activities and actions, and if you can do it from a command line, you can then script it into something that is even schedule or automated.

00:13:01.470 --> 00:13:10.020
Sebastien Perusat: or using the graphical user interface that's exactly why that's where I encourage everyone as soon as you can as soon as you have our resources and the devices are back.

00:13:10.440 --> 00:13:20.280
Sebastien Perusat: On market just by raspberry pi it's not extremely expensive device just put a recipe on it and try to find a great project that you would like to cover.

00:13:20.760 --> 00:13:26.010
Sebastien Perusat: I know from Devon process from the community that he is covering a door opener with him for the Garrett.

00:13:26.550 --> 00:13:34.980
Sebastien Perusat: and using it for that filtering and some small servers and the next cloud server so there was so much different use cases where you can go through the.

00:13:35.430 --> 00:13:42.120
Sebastien Perusat: graphical user interface but somewhere it ends and then you have to edit some configuration files or restart some services.

00:13:42.510 --> 00:13:50.250
Sebastien Perusat: And then you will find yourself going to the command line quite automatically, without having even the need to think about it so and just one thing that I want to mention on agile so.

00:13:50.910 --> 00:14:00.390
Sebastien Perusat: Even if you break something you will never break the device forever if you got to command line so you can still remember the device by using OSC that would really be the worst case.

00:14:00.780 --> 00:14:12.780
Sebastien Perusat: But if you change something on a petition, which is not slash w fs just be a clear that everything can be reset to factory default and everything can be back on that in a couple of seconds, so there was no nori and beat on it.

00:14:13.110 --> 00:14:15.990
Andy Whiteside: Now so said I hit play on the video.

00:14:17.130 --> 00:14:25.500
Andy Whiteside: What are you doing after we've done the intro here what what's, the first thing you're doing in the video you recorded as part of this, you know kind of getting to know the coi.

00:14:26.430 --> 00:14:36.930
Sebastien Perusat: In my memory is not is not leaking I would say that the first stuff what that I create a session to access a terminal from the graphical user interface so.

00:14:38.040 --> 00:14:43.740
Sebastien Perusat: We are still looking at the universe of management suite, also known as SMS where we're deploying profile to the endpoint.

00:14:44.280 --> 00:14:48.390
Sebastien Perusat: Everything that i'm telling now can also be done locally in the address setup so.

00:14:49.050 --> 00:14:58.200
Sebastien Perusat: If someone is asking me how can access a terminal and easy way we have two ways The first one is just a credit profile go to SF saris traveler and add a session.

00:14:58.830 --> 00:15:14.580
Sebastien Perusat: You don't have to configure some password or whatever just click on plus save a sense of profile and you will see terminal window, which is a small black symbol on the desktop that you can Double Click and which will enable you to accept the terminal.

00:15:14.880 --> 00:15:21.660
Andy Whiteside: And so that's a good thing to highlight terminal access is not available on I jail, because the ui is limited on purpose.

00:15:22.140 --> 00:15:31.110
Sebastien Perusat: Exactly, so we have the ability to access the terminal in a standard way yeah another way in which is covered a little bit later on, if I remember it.

00:15:32.100 --> 00:15:39.030
Sebastien Perusat: But from the standpoint of view not from the gravity who's the face, obviously we don't want the user to execute something, and since.

00:15:39.780 --> 00:15:54.570
Sebastien Perusat: If you start the endpoint for the first time, and you just go through the first one without without connecting some us there was no administrator password set and in agile words that mean that you do not have an root password set.

00:15:55.650 --> 00:16:05.760
Sebastien Perusat: it's not a big deal if something is broken reset to factory defaults are good, but if you want to avoid that certain administrator password and it will also set the root password.

00:16:06.120 --> 00:16:18.630
Sebastien Perusat: That you see now on the screen, which is basically the yeah we'll call it a super user of the operating system, so the user can monitor everything that standard user constitute even if he's in the command line.

00:16:19.890 --> 00:16:26.460
Andy Whiteside: So quick question for you the things that you do here at the command line you know I just being a read only operating system.

00:16:27.750 --> 00:16:32.670
Andy Whiteside: Do these things Dick the things that we do in the command line is there something special about them.

00:16:34.470 --> 00:16:37.140
Sebastien Perusat: You mean from the common that that we're using or.

00:16:37.890 --> 00:16:42.840
Andy Whiteside: Well, I guess i'm kind of thinking through an answer my own question, I mean it's just like anything else you're you're you're making.

00:16:43.860 --> 00:16:46.260
Andy Whiteside: you're doing things actions.

00:16:46.320 --> 00:16:49.470
Andy Whiteside: Are you also setting things in our the settings.

00:16:49.920 --> 00:16:54.330
Andy Whiteside: stored in the registry of the persistence of this thing.

00:16:54.870 --> 00:17:06.750
Sebastien Perusat: yeah you could we have in the ios operating system sheet sheet, creating the Community, we have the comments which are described there, which has said, parents that use appearance at group values.

00:17:07.290 --> 00:17:15.060
Sebastien Perusat: Would you can use to also configure the local operating system via command line but that's what is done behind the scene, as soon as.

00:17:15.870 --> 00:17:28.560
Sebastien Perusat: As soon as you assign profile and that's where you can configure you can also change, you can delete settings, but you can also modify our fight, and so on, and that's where.

00:17:29.790 --> 00:17:39.450
Sebastien Perusat: I didn't mention it, but the comment that we are using on azure operating system up mostly Linux I would say standard comments.

00:17:39.930 --> 00:17:57.840
Sebastien Perusat: beta that homes which I use to configure the device which are really agile ones, but most Comments like VI Ls one my CD empty for moving files or see before copying files all that stuff's actually by default, so you don't have.

00:17:58.860 --> 00:17:59.760
Sebastien Perusat: to tweak around.

00:18:01.020 --> 00:18:12.000
Sebastien Perusat: So the first thing that you have to do, and obviously to to see that comment is to accept the terminal that's what we call just in the first section so just have to us on a profile go to the edge of setup and add to.

00:18:13.140 --> 00:18:19.980
Sebastien Perusat: This dumber than starting and you have done to your root password is set, or if nothing except support enter and then you are connected.

00:18:20.790 --> 00:18:28.170
Sebastien Perusat: And that's it if you want to verify which use a URL at the moment, there was a comment, which is called who am I in one word.

00:18:28.560 --> 00:18:36.000
Sebastien Perusat: which will tell you which user is connected the moment i'll just open the region my site Patrick it's it's about minutes to.

00:18:36.690 --> 00:18:48.360
Sebastien Perusat: If you want to to go back for a second because that's a command which might have if you have a lot of comments happening in the background and happening on the screen and yeah yeah exactly that one.

00:18:49.380 --> 00:18:56.040
Sebastien Perusat: Not just leave it on to to 20 yeah and to 20 if you can get to 24.

00:18:56.640 --> 00:19:03.270
Andy Whiteside: yeah yeah so you're using the who am I command here to just validate you are who you think you are.

00:19:04.230 --> 00:19:16.230
Andy Whiteside: yeah you know in my old school days Linux unix I would usually put in the path display the who am I information and you kind of tell it here, it says brute at whatever which kind of tells you as well.

00:19:16.860 --> 00:19:26.400
Sebastien Perusat: Exactly so that just prove it to show that is now that we are logged in as a as a root user and everything is done right, so what I did, then, is to cover.

00:19:27.390 --> 00:19:39.570
Sebastien Perusat: The other way to act as a terminal it's a pretty easy one, which is enabled by default, which in my opinion, can be a little bit tricky it comes all switching.

00:19:40.140 --> 00:19:54.390
Sebastien Perusat: So if you go to an agile operating system and you put control alt and F 12 or f&m you can switch from the graphical user interface to a workspace which is called command line and then you can just switch the console.

00:19:55.920 --> 00:20:09.750
Sebastien Perusat: it's mostly available on every Linux distribution sometimes activated by default sometimes not but you're just switching from the graphic user interface just kind of moved away from the screen and the command line is moving on the front.

00:20:10.140 --> 00:20:11.910
Andy Whiteside: So that's in.

00:20:11.970 --> 00:20:16.830
Andy Whiteside: From I see here it's enabled by default, you are disabling it here is that true.

00:20:18.330 --> 00:20:25.260
Sebastien Perusat: that the security feature that i'm telling every customer during when it wasn't precise, please do so because sometimes you have.

00:20:25.770 --> 00:20:36.900
Sebastien Perusat: A specific program in your video terminals, so we have a hotkey to press and it's a user's hitting control and if he were found him 70 command lana will not know what to do and how to come back.

00:20:37.410 --> 00:20:45.600
Sebastien Perusat: As a reason why there was a usability question and then we have security question that not everyone is knowing that setting up password it's the right thing to do, and so on.

00:20:46.080 --> 00:20:55.350
Andy Whiteside: yeah i've got my i've got my 36 inch 34 inch LG all in one right there i'm doing i'm playing wow I got I got to talk to my I Joe.

00:20:55.410 --> 00:20:56.640
Andy Whiteside: Systems administrator.

00:20:58.380 --> 00:21:00.570
Patrick Toner: This is the shoemakers kid shoes right there.

00:21:00.690 --> 00:21:05.550
Patrick Toner: You know all of our security assessments at tell people to disable it but on yours it's enabled so.

00:21:05.580 --> 00:21:05.850
Andy Whiteside: So.

00:21:05.880 --> 00:21:06.930
Andy Whiteside: so sad right now.

00:21:06.930 --> 00:21:22.050
Andy Whiteside: you've you've you showed how to let's see enable terminal session your disabling here the hot switching into a terminal session which one was there all along, I just didn't know it, because of the graphical OK, and then yeah let's keep going.

00:21:23.130 --> 00:21:30.300
Sebastien Perusat: Just to give you, maybe the hotkey to get back to the graphical user interface, because not such as if you don't know how to do it it's control and if one.

00:21:32.100 --> 00:21:32.400
Andy Whiteside: Okay.

00:21:32.700 --> 00:21:39.930
Sebastien Perusat: yeah just did it working okay just just say, even if your users during that that mistake control F, one would bring him back to.

00:21:40.380 --> 00:21:54.720
Sebastien Perusat: US and if it's a pretty easy but that's how sometimes it's extremely easy also to check, in which step or device is not starting or device is not working like expected so let's imagine that you have a device which what's up after the boots crashes do is test black.

00:21:55.740 --> 00:22:06.720
Sebastien Perusat: If you have said that feature still enabled you can switch to control add an F 10 and that will show you the message obviously all the different steps that are done during the boot process.

00:22:07.110 --> 00:22:14.580
Sebastien Perusat: And you would see that I don't know the devices hanging on network negotiation or on graphical user interface driver detection whatever.

00:22:15.000 --> 00:22:25.980
Sebastien Perusat: just saying that if you are not deserving that or, if you want to look at a specific feature that is not working, it might be willing to re enable it and check control and enough time to see whether you as a second.

00:22:26.820 --> 00:22:27.180

00:22:29.190 --> 00:22:30.870
Andy Whiteside: If nothing else, just to impress your friends.

00:22:32.220 --> 00:22:32.610
Sebastien Perusat: Sorry.

00:22:33.030 --> 00:22:34.860
Andy Whiteside: If nothing else, just to impress the people.

00:22:34.950 --> 00:22:39.840
Sebastien Perusat: And impress your friends yeah exactly looks like the metrics a little bit so you are feeling like knee or and metrics.

00:22:42.480 --> 00:22:55.800
Sebastien Perusat: So yeah that's what I that's what I tried to explain on the on the user interface so just to cover the the key For those of you who are not looking at the video if you go to user interface and display access control in your profile, you can.

00:22:56.430 --> 00:23:04.860
Sebastien Perusat: check a checkbox which is called disable console switching and I think that the topic that we just covered, that you will not be able to switch back anymore.

00:23:06.660 --> 00:23:14.640
Sebastien Perusat: Does a brilliant big deal, but just wanted to share that so we covered now the way how to get to the command and from the endpoint perspective.

00:23:15.240 --> 00:23:22.680
Sebastien Perusat: But sometimes don't have access to the device, because the device is I don't know cognitively ice or as maybe on a remote.

00:23:23.370 --> 00:23:33.030
Sebastien Perusat: Remote office or whatever so that's the point where you can use different kind of remote accessing to the device, and we are speaking about.

00:23:33.630 --> 00:23:42.480
Sebastien Perusat: To I want to say two different protocols, but two different ways to accept this, the terminal we have built instance I would have to lie.

00:23:43.080 --> 00:23:47.610
Sebastien Perusat: It was mid August 10 I guess for introduce the sexual trauma feature.

00:23:48.210 --> 00:23:57.870
Sebastien Perusat: So i'm not an expert in terms of protocol, but we're rooting this age ton of your attendance party for remember right and that's where you give the ability to.

00:23:58.590 --> 00:24:10.110
Sebastien Perusat: Access the local Shell from the US, without having the need to start any kind of separate client or whatever and that's what i'm covering now is how to configure it, so we have.

00:24:11.010 --> 00:24:18.570
Sebastien Perusat: profile to create to enable it and we have, if you go to your profile to system remote management.

00:24:19.440 --> 00:24:31.230
Sebastien Perusat: User secure terminate from a ride, you have the ability, then to activate that feature, and if you made the all the different configurations and prior like setting.

00:24:32.040 --> 00:24:41.460
Sebastien Perusat: password for the user setting a password for the root user, you will then be able to recognize the device then go to.

00:24:41.910 --> 00:24:48.480
Sebastien Perusat: It was remote access sick your terminal and then you can accept the device via command line from dms which is.

00:24:48.960 --> 00:25:03.570
Sebastien Perusat: Pretty cool if you want to support a user, which is having an issue with performance was performance like an example and you want to check the task manager not be as a graphical user interface but via the command line.

00:25:03.930 --> 00:25:06.420
Sebastien Perusat: So that the command, which is called top to pee.

00:25:06.960 --> 00:25:19.920
Andy Whiteside: So, said that allows you to get the top information from the US real time versus having to get the user to tell you, or maybe ssh again or in this case, are you actually ssh in.

00:25:20.970 --> 00:25:31.170
Sebastien Perusat: its essence etching in via 10 minutes so we're not using the system at this age bottom that moment, we are using a tenant connection, which is a little bit easier to handle and the SS edge.

00:25:31.740 --> 00:25:44.130
Sebastien Perusat: And that's the reason why we're calling it not remote as as edge, but we mold sexual trauma that's just one way to do that, but it's the way, so you can use over the svg.

00:25:44.670 --> 00:25:51.870
Sebastien Perusat: Because, if you think about the agile cloud gateway and advance which is somewhere and now all over the world and the users just connect to the Internet.

00:25:52.290 --> 00:26:05.460
Sebastien Perusat: As he will not work that's the reason why we are routing also the secure terminal VI CG and that's, in my opinion, a good alternative to assist edge, if you are not in the same company on the same network second.

00:26:05.880 --> 00:26:07.320
Andy Whiteside: yeah cool.

00:26:08.760 --> 00:26:15.210
Andy Whiteside: All right, well that's great that that gives us a lot of background on how to set it up and and why to use it.

00:26:16.830 --> 00:26:24.240
Andy Whiteside: said, we have we done us a podcast we just talked about like a top 10 command line commands that you see people using it we done something like that I can't remember.

00:26:25.320 --> 00:26:31.890
Sebastien Perusat: convenient community that was become about the the IP address sheet sheet for the next time yeah that's a great idea.

00:26:32.880 --> 00:26:41.910
Andy Whiteside: Just on that on that topic, what are the, what are the top five things that you've for a real world use case you've had to print out the command line for.

00:26:44.130 --> 00:26:50.520
Sebastien Perusat: I would say that the main one that i'm using is, which is called LM for linking and creating symbolic links because that's.

00:26:51.090 --> 00:26:53.490
Sebastien Perusat: that's the base for everything that you do an address.

00:26:54.090 --> 00:27:05.100
Sebastien Perusat: So that's where you're creating custom petitions recording some backlinks if you want to make configuration persistence, you are mostly using a file that you are transporting to the operating system, and so on.

00:27:05.430 --> 00:27:13.260
Sebastien Perusat: But I would say ln, then you have a common which got sad sad is a tool which can.

00:27:14.160 --> 00:27:25.680
Sebastien Perusat: manipulate files manipulated sounds a little bit negative, but I really mean that it can change specific strings specific phone can add lines and so on, instead of configuration file, which is great like or the.

00:27:27.300 --> 00:27:39.930
Sebastien Perusat: Asia canceling on the citrix works with a plan like an example which was not enabled by default in our operating system that wasn't able, by citrix you could create a json file, which enabled that feature by using STD.

00:27:40.350 --> 00:27:47.460
Sebastien Perusat: And then obviously the code, with the command CP for compiling fires from from one from one point to another.

00:27:47.910 --> 00:27:56.790
Sebastien Perusat: and honestly from a pure debug perspective net Stat is one of my favorite command just to monitor and understand which.

00:27:57.690 --> 00:28:06.420
Sebastien Perusat: data is process of a which part in which state because that's something that we're just extremely helpful if you want to understand why a device not getting.

00:28:07.110 --> 00:28:13.200
Sebastien Perusat: One and not getting configuration if the device not able to speak to the cms and another one that's my top five.

00:28:13.860 --> 00:28:19.830
Sebastien Perusat: I would also speak about the command which got john and cto, which is our current the.

00:28:20.580 --> 00:28:30.990
Sebastien Perusat: The event viewer of windows, where you can make everything last since last boot everything in prayer as usual deleted by the rebuilding process.

00:28:31.560 --> 00:28:39.690
Sebastien Perusat: But you can then look at everything which is happening in which stage and, if you have a device which is not working, looking at the recognition is not working or there was another reason.

00:28:40.290 --> 00:28:52.080
Sebastien Perusat: Those that will be my top five there are way, more especially, the ecosystem, but that's something that we should definitely take that one for the next for the next topic, I will read it down for the next podcast.

00:28:52.710 --> 00:28:53.010

00:28:54.240 --> 00:28:54.600
Andy Whiteside: Patrick.

00:28:55.170 --> 00:29:01.830
Patrick Toner: So say the top three I mean you know I would say a lot of the time when i'm you know troubleshooting the basic stuff.

00:29:02.190 --> 00:29:09.240
Patrick Toner: there's there's a few commands to come to mind right away, one is obviously being able to you know chain, you know, do the basics get into a terminal.

00:29:09.600 --> 00:29:24.990
Patrick Toner: You know CD is changed directory right you're going to where you know so learning the ideal directories useful and then using the command CD you're going to use that probably more than anyone, and then, of course, cats EA T is to read certain files you're going to use cat to read.

00:29:26.190 --> 00:29:34.500
Patrick Toner: You know your CES log files, you know all the different log log files for certain applications, you may want to use so that's probably the second most use that I.

00:29:34.500 --> 00:29:41.880
Patrick Toner: use and the other one and I thought you were going here said what is pro port, which is a my understanding is an ideal specific command.

00:29:42.330 --> 00:29:49.830
Patrick Toner: But it's so useful, especially when you're when you're troubleshooting a brand new I gel install so you know, on the pre sales side if.

00:29:50.160 --> 00:29:57.030
Patrick Toner: If the customer is implementing their on us or on on the consulting side if you're going in with the production style us.

00:29:57.420 --> 00:30:04.620
Patrick Toner: A lot of times what you'll find is certain ports are not open so obviously from the server side you can always do something like tell matt.

00:30:05.070 --> 00:30:15.930
Patrick Toner: telling that to a to an agile endpoint and say hey is this port open between here from the idol endpoint side there's this great command called pro ports, you would do all one word prob port.

00:30:16.410 --> 00:30:32.280
Patrick Toner: And then the IP address of your us server space and the port number so 8443 30,022 whatever whatever ports, you, you want to test it's a really great way to quickly test it and i'll tell you right there it's easier it's refused or successful.

00:30:33.840 --> 00:30:44.250
Patrick Toner: that's probably one of the most used commands that i've used over the years that's not not it's just so useful and just it just it's a real quick way to say hey look this port is closed, we can prove it.

00:30:45.270 --> 00:30:48.630
Patrick Toner: And then they go back to their info SEC or network guys and get it opened up.

00:30:50.700 --> 00:30:53.100
Andy Whiteside: i'm sitting there typing some of these in as you go through like.

00:30:54.480 --> 00:30:58.470
Andy Whiteside: I don't know there's moments in my life I wish i'd had been an auto mechanic or just stayed in.

00:30:58.470 --> 00:30:59.160
Sebastien Perusat: Texas.

00:30:59.970 --> 00:31:02.940
Andy Whiteside: You know stayed on the unix path, I was on a long time ago and.

00:31:03.990 --> 00:31:07.920
Andy Whiteside: I don't know it's just like a lot of fun, just like it's like a puzzle every day, trying to figure stuff out.

00:31:08.460 --> 00:31:08.700

00:31:10.350 --> 00:31:15.420
Andy Whiteside: Well, said thanks for covering this with us anything that we didn't bring up that you want to make sure we cover before we let you go.

00:31:16.410 --> 00:31:28.620
Sebastien Perusat: i'll just maybe one last thing we'll just go with the SEC your terminal just saying that you can obviously activate both So if you want to use this as a tool can be used in parallel to the secure terminal so you can use both kind of access.

00:31:29.160 --> 00:31:35.580
Sebastien Perusat: Access ways it's always a good recommendation to certain me so the pestle that cannot repeat it enough.

00:31:36.180 --> 00:31:41.790
Sebastien Perusat: Because if we don't do that, we can also connect yes is 80% specific checkbox so it's a little bit insecure but.

00:31:42.540 --> 00:31:56.250
Sebastien Perusat: We already men men than the the configuration, so you can't connect the assist edge if there is no room to use a password set so if you're trying to use this as age, please send me a sweater password.

00:31:56.580 --> 00:31:57.840
Sebastien Perusat: And no that's it.

00:31:58.350 --> 00:32:02.070
Andy Whiteside: yeah yeah don't don't don't put a backdoor on the House if you don't put a lock on the back door.

00:32:02.160 --> 00:32:02.400

00:32:03.780 --> 00:32:04.110
Andy Whiteside: yeah.

00:32:04.710 --> 00:32:07.170
Andy Whiteside: All right, Patrick I know you got a workshop coming up.

00:32:07.830 --> 00:32:10.050
Andy Whiteside: yeah this week, maybe today, maybe tomorrow i'm not sure.

00:32:10.110 --> 00:32:17.610
Patrick Toner: what's going on with it so it's this Thursday we're going to be 12pm Eastern we do have limited capacity actually have to check this morning.

00:32:18.570 --> 00:32:24.570
Patrick Toner: If you're listening to this and you want to join and it's full definitely reach out to us, you know, probably get you in there.

00:32:25.260 --> 00:32:38.160
Patrick Toner: But we're going to be covering all of the different unified communication technologies, namely you know you talk about zoom teams webex the ones that are built in we'll talk about some of the others, you know you have ring central kind of in the mix there.

00:32:39.420 --> 00:32:47.190
Patrick Toner: And we're just you know we'd like to keep these workshops more technical so we kind of go into the weeds we lay it out at a high level, and then we go into the settings and.

00:32:47.760 --> 00:32:52.200
Patrick Toner: it's been a lot of fun, you know we've had a lot of guys from the agile Community joining.

00:32:53.160 --> 00:32:57.000
Patrick Toner: You know, having some some pretty fun comments going back and forth as we're going through it.

00:32:57.510 --> 00:33:03.540
Patrick Toner: we'd like to geek out a little bit so it's definitely more of a technical audience if you're a SIS admin engineer type.

00:33:04.110 --> 00:33:12.270
Patrick Toner: definitely encourage it, but we, you know it's funny we do have some CIO type guys that have been joined him regularly that are more technical and they they seem to really love it so.

00:33:13.290 --> 00:33:21.990
Patrick Toner: yeah have a lot of fun with it, so this Thursday 12pm Eastern and, of course, on our websites and tech or.com you can find more information, and you know sign up and register.

00:33:22.320 --> 00:33:25.440
Andy Whiteside: yeah it's not a one and done right we do something like this pretty much every month.

00:33:25.710 --> 00:33:28.890
Patrick Toner: Every month yep we've been doing it monthly and really having a lot of fun with it.

00:33:29.910 --> 00:33:30.510
Sebastien Perusat: sounds great.

00:33:31.290 --> 00:33:36.210
Andy Whiteside: Alright, said you coming over for any the disrupts here in the US.

00:33:36.810 --> 00:33:45.690
Sebastien Perusat: I don't think that moment, we are, I mean i'm plan for for Munich, which is basically man in Germany itself so it's not a big deal.

00:33:46.200 --> 00:34:00.000
Sebastien Perusat: But for the rest, now, for the moment i'm really afraid to say that I would not be there, but we'll try to cover the Community perspective as best as we can with our Members and with the marketing team, which will be onside so I wish you a lot of fun there, but I can't attend this year.

00:34:00.360 --> 00:34:00.630

00:34:01.770 --> 00:34:05.940
Andy Whiteside: Well, maybe we'll see you sometime early next year, then.

00:34:07.170 --> 00:34:10.260
Andy Whiteside: Maybe i'll make it over there, my goal is to get over there, I can't believe I haven't done it, yet I mean.

00:34:10.260 --> 00:34:11.370
Sebastien Perusat: pandemic release.

00:34:11.880 --> 00:34:13.320
Andy Whiteside: endemic really calls.

00:34:13.410 --> 00:34:15.450
Sebastien Perusat: are introducing situation, I mean atomic.

00:34:16.380 --> 00:34:20.760
Patrick Toner: think we should Jennings INTEGRA should invade Munich well, maybe it invades not the right word there.

00:34:21.210 --> 00:34:23.070
Patrick Toner: That sounds a little hostile.

00:34:23.400 --> 00:34:33.390
Patrick Toner: But a funny story I, the only time i've gone to Germany, when I when I was at agile, I had all my son was born one year, so, though, and then, of course, the one year I go.

00:34:33.840 --> 00:34:43.710
Patrick Toner: I planned like i'm going to go and see Munich i'm going to see all these things I took a melatonin on the plane to reset myself and all of us got there, it was like 6am German time.

00:34:45.030 --> 00:34:59.880
Patrick Toner: I went back to the hotel like i'm just going to rest my head for a minute and I crashed basically fell asleep all day and didn't get to see anything other than the grocery store across from the hotel so that was the extent of my tourism, so I want to get back there.

00:35:01.140 --> 00:35:02.910
Sebastien Perusat: Please happy to welcome you.

00:35:03.990 --> 00:35:07.650
Patrick Toner: Very good it's INTEGRA invades Munich calm that's gonna be our.

00:35:08.220 --> 00:35:08.850
Sebastien Perusat: patreon ledges.

00:35:08.970 --> 00:35:11.340
Andy Whiteside: let's let's visit it let's donate it.

00:35:11.370 --> 00:35:11.820
Patrick Toner: There you go.

00:35:12.930 --> 00:35:15.270
Andy Whiteside: All right, gentlemen we'll do it again in two weeks, thank you.

00:35:16.410 --> 00:35:17.100
Patrick Toner: Alright, thanks guys.

00:35:17.160 --> 00:35:17.730
Sebastien Perusat: Thank you very much.